Author Topic: புலால் உண்ணுதல் உயிர் கொலை பாவம் அல்லவா? ??  (Read 7289 times)


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புலால் உண்ணுதல் பாவமல்லவா உயிர் கொலை செய்யின் எப்படி அருள் உள்ளவராக இருத்தல் முடியும்? ?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 09:22:19 AM by Neruppu »

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It is not wrong because
1. God created all these for us.
2. If it is wrong then we should not even eat plants coz those too have life.
3. Even Jesus ate fish.
4. Only man is created in the image of God not animals. Man and animals should not be treated same


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தயவுள்ளவர்களே பாக்கியவான்கள்..அவர்களே தயவை பெறுகிறார்கள்..

ஒரு  உயிரை கொன்று உண்டால் நமக்கு எப்படி தயவு இருக்கும்..

Stephen selvam

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Through Moses Lord has given commandments.
In those commandments,ha had also said what should we eat and what shouls not.
Later JESUS came and said once when parrises and saduces asked him,Why are your disciples eat without washing hands.Jesus replied,"It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person..
Cite : MATT 15:11-17.

Its not sin if we kill an animal to eat for they have been created for us.
They were created for offerings to the lord in oearly days and for the people of the lord.


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@:Its not sin if we kill an animal to eat for they have been created for us.

I can find what GOD gave us to eat , from the following verse.

பின்னும் தேவன்: இதோ, பூமியின் மேல் எங்கும் விதைதரும் சகலவிதப் பூண்டுகளையும், விதைதரும் கனிமரங்களாகிய சகலவித விருட்சங்களையும் உங்களுக்குக் கொடுத்தேன், அவைகள் உங்களுக்கு ஆகாரமாயிருக்கக்கடவது. ஆதியாகமம் 1 :29

I think man added 'animals' to this menu , later.
Only domestic 'poor' animals , mostly non-attacking types , (not lion,tiger,elephant etc.)
That shows  , eating animals & birds , is man's idea !

@:They were created for offerings to the lord in oearly days and for the people of the lord.

Who ordered to stop this offering practice?......
Up to Jesus times it was there! Jesus himself insist the offering practice then and there.
Probably, it was discontinued due to man's convenience /inconvenience !

Stephen selvam

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@ பின்னும் தேவன்: இதோ, பூமியின் மேல் எங்கும் விதைதரும் சகலவிதப் பூண்டுகளையும், விதைதரும் கனிமரங்களாகிய சகலவித விருட்சங்களையும் உங்களுக்குக் கொடுத்தேன், அவைகள் உங்களுக்கு ஆகாரமாயிருக்கக்கடவது. ஆதியாகமம் 1 :29

I think man added 'animals' to this menu , later.
Only domestic 'poor' animals , mostly non-attacking types , (not lion,tiger,elephant etc.)
That shows  , eating animals & birds , is man's idea !

Read Gen 1:28 as well and
Leviticus 11th Chapter and again
Matt 15:11-17

@ Who ordered to stop this offering practice?......
Up to Jesus times it was there! Jesus himself insist the offering practice then and there.
Probably, it was discontinued due to man's convenience /inconvenience !

To this,It takes time to explain or understand.
Offerings were offered for our great grand parent's sin.Later the offerings were offered to Statues like happened in Exo 32 and so on.
Then Jesus came as an offering for all of our sin and died on the cross.Now is there any need to offer animals to him.Not neccessary..I request you to read Hebrews 10 th chapter till verses 23.I hope you will find an answer.
I appreciate your questions which leads me to know more verses and to grow spiritually.


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Genesis 1:28 speak about supermacy, not about eatability.

Regarding Leviticus 11 chapter...

GOD gave a long list & definition of animals to eat !
But that is because "animal sacrificing" was in effect. Man started to eat the carcasses of sacrificed animals. Once tasted the meat , he may have started to eat everything he happen to see. So GOD dictated His priority . It appears to be so.

Since animal sacrificing was discontinued and changed to human sacrifice, eating animal carcass can also be discontinued . We should not forget , we are eating the Jesus's body (holy communion)

Btw, what would happen if we eat "unclean animals "?

Also , I don't understand the "uncleanity till the evening" !
You referred this verse to support your idea.

வாய்க்குள்ளே போகிறது மனுஷனைத் தீட்டுப்படுத்தாது, வாயிலிருந்து புறப்படுகிறதே மனுஷனைத் தீட்டுப்படுத்தும் என்றார். மத்தேயு 15 :11


This single verse said by Jesus,  practically declare Leviticus 11 chapter was man-conceived .

@:Then Jesus came as an offering for all of our sin and died on the cross.

I agree this is a very big topic and need a separate thread to discuss.

Thank you for your time.

Stephen selvam

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@We should not forget , we are eating the Jesus's body (holy communion)

Its actuly reminder that jesus has sacrificed himself for our sin.No man can eat another man's flesh and drink blood.
Its only a reminder.Jesus himself told that.

By the way you haven't commented about hebrews 10:1-23.


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@:By the way you haven't commented about hebrews 10:1-23.

Of course I want to comment , particularly verses 16 & 17.  Actually what this verses say is already given in Hebrews 8 : 10-12.

I had even started a topic earlier under the title பாவமன்னிப்பு திட்டம் but it is a different topic altogether. I don't want to deviate from the topic which we are discussing.

Let me stick to the topic "புலால் உண்ணுதல் உயிர் கொலை பாவம் அல்லவா"

Any further inputs ?

Stephen selvam

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@Let me stick to the topic "புலால் உண்ணுதல் உயிர் கொலை பாவம் அல்லவா".

What do you think?


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@:புலால் உண்ணுதல் உயிர் கொலை பாவம் அல்லவா ?

பாவம் அல்ல ....பரிதாபம்.....மிருகங்கள், பறவைகள் மனித உணவுக்காக கொல்லப்படும் காட்சி மிகவும் பரிதாபமானது :'(
இயற்கை சுழற்சியில் , ஒரு உயிரினம் இன்னொரு உயிரினத்திற்கு உணவாக கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இவ்வாறாக இயற்கை , தன் சமநிலையை காத்துக்கொள்ளுகிறது என்று எண்ணுகிறேன்.
என்னைப்பொருத்தவரை தற்போதுதான் 99.99% சைவம் என்ற நிலையை அடைந்திருக்கிறேன்.
கூடிய விரைவில் 100 %....

Stephen selvam

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